How Do You Calculate MBI

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calculate my bmi
How do you calculate bmi

                        Health  is the  richness thing that  could somebody ever has , there for taking care of  our  health is the most important thing to do before thinking about something else. Weight is one part of humans health, thus people have to know something about their weights.

          Being fat doesn’t mean you are suffering from obesity and having a slim shape doesn’t mean you are underweight. You might be  fat or slim but this  is your  natural weight and you don’t know , as  result you  follow a certain diet which  will cause  many bad effects on  your  health.

        Most of the time several questions came into our minds: I'm in a good shape really?  What do I have to do to know so?
The answer is your weight. Weight shows whether you are in a good shape or no. According to BMI Calculator there are 4 categories which show if you are healthy or not. 

underweight, normal weight, overweight, obesity
underweight, normal weight, overweight, obesity

  • The 1rst category concerns people who are underweight and their IBM is less tan 18.5kg.
  • The 2nd category is about people who have normal weight, their BMI category starts from 18.5 to 24.9 kg.
  • The 3rd category is for persons who are overweight but doesn’t mean that they are too fat. Their BMI is from 25 to 29.9 kg
  • The last one is for people who are suffering from obesity their weight is over than 30 kg after calculating the BMI.

To simplify the BMI is the abbreviation of the word: BODY MASS INDEX 

And this is How do you calculate BMI

BMI = weight (kg)/height2 (m2).

Enter your weight in kilograms (Kg) and your height in centimeters (Cm) in the form below and press the "Calculate BMI" button to get results that will show your BMI and also you will now  if are healthy or if you need to gain weight or you need to loss weight.

Your Weight(kg):
Your Height(cm):

Your BMI:    
This Means:

BMI Categories: 

  • Underweight = <18.5
  • Normal weight = 18.5–24.9 
  • Overweight = 25–29.9 
  • Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater.


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