Pregnancy weight gain is inescapable

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Pregnancy weight gain
Pregnancy weight gain

Pregnancy weight gain is inescapable!

Like it or not, by the end of your pregnancy, you may weigh about 12.5 kg (27.6 lb) more than you did before you were pregnant.

There is only general advice that most women get more weight somewhere between 10 kg and 12.5 kg (22 lb to 28 lb). It's natural and healthy to put on weight during pregnancy. Your body needs to change to accommodate your growing baby, and to give him the best start in life.  
Balanced diet will help your baby get the nutrients he or she needs and grow at a healthy rate. Every pregnant woman needs a fat reserve in order to ensure there will always be a steady supply of calories available for the baby in case she under eats for a day or two. This fat reserve supplies energy for milk making after baby is born.
But how many extra calories do you really need?

Pregnancy weight gain
Pregnancy weight gain is inescapable

If you intend to gain weight while you're pregnant, keep in mind to:

  • Eat five to six small rich meals every day. 
  • Keep easy snacks on hand, such as nuts, raisins, cheese and crackers, dried fruit, and ice cream or yogurt.
  • Spread peanut butter on toast or bread, crackers, apples, bananas, or celery. One tablespoon of creamy peanut butter gives you about 100 calories and 7 grams of protein.
  • Add powdered milk to mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, and hot cereal.
  •  Add extras to your meal, such as butter or margarine, cream cheese, gravy, and cheese.

Where Does the Extra Weight Go During Pregnancy?

Every pound you gain is needed for a specific purpose while your baby is growing inside of you. Your baby accounts for only part of the weight you must gain. Your own body must add blood, muscle, fluids and tissue necessary for your baby’s development.
Pregnancy weight gain is inescapable
Pregnancy weight gain


  • Baby: 8 pounds / 3.62 kg
  • Placenta: 2-3 pounds / 0.90 - 1.36  kg
  • Amniotic fluid: 2-3 pounds / 0.90 – 1.36 kg
  • Breast tissue: 2-3 pounds / 0.90 - 1.36 kg
  • Blood supply: 4 pounds / 1.81 kg
  • Stored fat for delivery and breastfeeding: 5-9 pounds  / 02.26 - 4.08 kg
  • Larger uterus: 2-5 pounds / 0.90 - 2.26 kg
      Total: 25-35 pounds / 11.33 - 15.87 kg

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