Garlic health garlic a natural antibiotic!

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Garlic Health Benefits
Garlic health garlic a natural antibiotic!
Garlic health garlic a natural antibiotic!
Garlic health garlic a natural antibiotic!    

 We all know garlic as a flavoring herb for food. It relates to the family of Onions including shallot and leek. In Morocco, it is often used as a flavoring herb in cooking food like fish, chicken and stuffed pigeons. However; it has also been used as a medicine for thousands of years. Dating back to Ancient Egypt, people used to use crushed garlic as a drink, believing it would protect them from the plague.Also, during the World War I and II, soldiers applied garlic to prevent wound infection.

           Today, people tend to use natural herbs to cure certain diseases for their benefits. Researchers have found that garlic contains a chemical called allicin which is responsible for garlic’s benefits in addition to its special smell. However, there are other chemicals in garlic which may help fight common cold, blood pressure and some types of cancers.

 Taking a coffee spoon of honey with crushed garlic may help prevent colds and even make symptoms go away faster.

Blood Pressure:
Some studies do suggests that people who suffer from high blood pressure should take garlic in their meals on a daily basis. This is because garlic helps to lower blood pressure in something like between 5 % and 8%.In addition, these studies show that garlic is very effective to the extent that it can also lower high cholesterol.

Garlic has a strong formulation of natural chemicals which can boost the immune system. Therefore, it helps the body fight diseases such as cancer. Garlic is strongly believed to kill cancer cells. A recent study suggests that people who eat more raw or cooked garlic are less likely to get colon and stomach cancers and cancer of the esophagus. The same study noticed 30% reduction in risk of colorectal cancer among people who ate a lot of raw or cooked garlic.

Did you know about garlic health benefits now?


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